Conformational Control over Metal ion Reactivity: a biomimetic approach to energy conversion
photocredit: r/uiuc

Lisa named as a 2025 Sloan Research Fellow. We are thrilled and honored to be among this amazing group of scientists!!!
Welcome to new group members Matthew and Arden! To celebrate, we are leaning in to our Midwest roots with hay rides, corn mazes, and smores. Happy Fall y’all
Hot off the Press!!
This new artificial metalloenzyme platform features a redox active coenzyme and a rare earth metal binding pocket. Read our first report below and (incoming grad students) ask Lisa about future projects envisioned with this system!
Emergent Properties from Dynamicity in Biomimetic Coordination Complexes
Congratulations Dr. FATIMA!!!!!!

Lisa and team join the Beckman Institute
In the O-lab we believe the data supporting that diversity and excellence go hand in hand. We welcome scientists of all ethnicities, races, nationalities, religions or lack thereof, genders, gender identities, sexual orientations, neurotypes, different abilities, ages, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Researchers on our team come from backgrounds spanning chemical biology, biophysics, physical and anaytical chemistry, bioengineering, inorganic and organic chemistry specialties.
Interdisciplinary research, Intentional mentorship
Education & Outreach
Science does not take place in a vacuum (unless your research requires vacuum conditions!). Learn about educational and community building activities led by Olshansky and her team.